Saturday, December 15, 2007


i just totally dun wanna work
so i leave all the work to my AE....
i feel really sorry ... yet ...
i feel headache and i feel can't concentrate at all

head to CWB to buy some cosmetic
planned to try and buy a little item originally
but turn out..spent quite a lot..
then had dinner
a funny combination yet i think 3 of us enjoyed the dinner much
friend...hope you stay happy!
got fung's call during shopping after dinner
then ate sth with him
always difficult to schedule a dinner
but no schedule is even easier to make it happen haha

finished dinner at around 12:15 then we head to henry house
to have a drink with our hallmates
just really one drink
but still had some nice short chat with my dear friend
then decided to go sing k at the last minute
sing and play until 6am
so tired

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